A Walk in Highland on May 1, 2021

Walkers will pass the Swiss style city hall on the walk.

WELCOME TO HIGHLAND, ILLINOIS with their historic Plaza Square and beautiful tree-lined streets. Highland is one of the oldest Swiss settlements in the United States. It was founded in 1831 by Swiss pioneers from Sursee, Switzerland and has shared the title of “Sister City” with Sursee since 1976. Highland’s historic district is where the walk starts and ends with the city’s landmark fountain and Plaza Square Park, The landmark Lory Theatre is also part of the historic district. Highland is the birthplace of Pet Milk and Schott Brewery. It is the 7th safest community in Illinois! The first Volksmarch in Highland was 40 years ago! Enjoy the walk!  

Click the link below to see the Highland Walk brochure.

 Highland Walk Brochure 2021 (1)

Walkers will see this unique carved tree in the Historic Plaza Square.