Walkers always stop to have a picture with the decorated log.
Someone is very creative & changes the log’s appearance frequently.
Due to the Excessive Heat Warning for Thursday, the walk has been moved to the Mall.
Registration will be at 5:45 pm at Walgreens in Fairview Heights. Walk will begin at 6:00 pm at St. Clair Square Mall.
Walkers walked to Walker Park.
The dog lovers always find a cute dog on their walks.
DeAnne informed walkers that the park was named for George Herbert Walker III. He was a U.S. ambassador to Hungary and a St. Louis businessman and philanthropist. He was also cousins to Presidents George Herbert Walker Bush and George Walker Bush.
It was a beautiful day for a walk in the park.
Due to the weather forecast of thunderstorms for this evening, the walk has been moved to the St. Clair Square Mall. Registration at 5:45 pm at Walgreens. Walk at the Mall at 6:00 pm.
Due to the Excessive Heat Warning for Thursday, the walk has been moved to the Mall.
Genine will bring the registration box to the Mall. Registration will be at 5:45 pm and walk will begin at 6:00 pm.
Due to thunderstorms today’s walk has been moved.
St. Clair Square Mal opens at 10:00. Registration 9:45AM at Walgreens and start walking at 10:00 AM. 5K walk normally takes about 1 hour. 10k walk normally take 2 hours.
Due to the weather forecast for July 9, 2024, the walk has been moved.
St. Clair Square Mal opens at 10:00. Registration 9:45AM at Walgreens and start walking at 10:00 AM. 5K walk normally takes about 1 hour. 10k walk normally take 2 hours.
Heat Index will be around 100 degrees on Thursday evening. Registration at 5:45 at the Mall.